
Thursday 21 April 2011

Toolbox Murders 2 filming right now

Tobe Hooper's first remake of the Toolbox Murders which was considered as one of the 'video nasties', it was that good or bad depending on your liking for scary movies or as I have just thought of it as your squeemish factor.

1 being very high squeem factor and whenever a scary movie comes on the TV screen you have to go into another room as you can't watch them

2 your not that squeemish but you can just about hold it together to watch a scary movie but you have to watch behind a cushion or the sofa.

3 you don't do either of those things but you you can tell when a scary moment in the film is coming up so you have to look away from the screen.

4 you know when something bad is going to happen and you find yourself shouting at the TV screen for the main character in the film to 'Not go in their!'.

5 you do both those things shouting at the TV screen, knowing when something bad is going to happen and saying to your friends 'Why would you do that?' but you want to see how it plays out.

When you reach number 5 on this scale you know that you are truly not squeemish as you just want to watch the scary movie.

Anyhew, he is going to making the follow up to this 'Toolbox Murders 2', and this will feature Lance Henrikson, Brian Krause from Charmed fame, Ethan Phillips who was Neelix in Startrek Voyager and leading lady Chauntal Lewis from Seance fame.

The director for the film is Dean C Jones who did the FX work on Hooper's last film. In case your like me and don't know what the hell this film is about then let me enlighten you:

The film is about a half masked slasher. Hooper's film is about a creature that is descended from death itself thaty lives behind the walls of an apartment building and can run up lift shafts. This follow up to the first film will apparently take off where the last film finished, with the victims of the Toolbox Killer being moved to a nearby hospital and some detectives being on the hunt for the Toolbox Killer.

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