
Wednesday 20 April 2011

More Batman

Thanks to iamrogue on twitter and Empire Magazine I have now found out that the final pieces of the cast jigsaw have been made by Christopher Nolan. I have heard lots of rumours regarding the cast and what sort of villians Christopher Nolan is going to use in this last film of his. Youtube has been a hype of activity on this very subject, so much so that fans of the Batman movies have even done fan made video clips and poster mock ups on Christopher's next villian.

However, I do have to disappoint a lot of Batman fans with the knowledge that I have as no one on Youtube was remotely near the mark. It has now been confirmed that the rumours of Christopher Nolan working again with Joseph Gordan-Levitt are true as he will play 'James Blake' a Gotham cop who is sent on a special assignment by Commisioner Gorden and also the rumours of Marion Coutillard are also true, she will play Miranda Tate a member of the Wayne Enterprise board who helps Bruce cope with the loss of Rachel Dawes . However, the rumours of there being a 'Harrlequinn' have been not been found out by me true or false.

Well I'll just have to try my hardest to seek out the truth. LOL! But before I start on this I have found out that the film will start shooting later this year so it can make it's release date of July 20th next year. It's got me worrying that the trailer that I got from Youtube thatv said it was the official trailer might be a fan made one but it doesn't look like it so I'll have to wait and see if this changes when the trailer hits our TV screens next year.

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