
Thursday 21 April 2011

Kate Beckinsale in the remake of 'Total Recall'

Len Wiseman will be directing the new remake of this film and has cast his wife Kate Beckinsale who he met on while filming the Underworld franchise of films.

He has cast her as Lori who Sharon Stone played in the original film. Lori is married to Douglas Quaid who will be played by Collin Farrell, a worker in a factory for the nation of Euromerica who after he has a holiday memory implanted starts to believe that he is a spy for the rival nation of New Shanghai. But once he starts to peel away the layers, he discovers he is part of a big conspiracy that was engineered by Euromerica's ex-leader Vilos Cohaagen (Brian Cranston). Kate's character also turns out to be more than we first assume.

Shooting for this starts in May and hopefully will be released in August 20th.

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