
Sunday 3 April 2011

Other characters to feature in

Just heard as well from yesterday that Warner Bros. that not only are they going to reboot Batman they are going to hopefully release a 'Justice League of America'. This film has been talked about for a long time the same amount of time as the new James Franco film that is just been released, because I heard two years ago that he was going to start a comedy film about medieval knights going off to help the damsel in distress.

Anyhuw, this 'Justice League of America' although the details or the idea of what the story for this film will be haven't been ironed out yet, but in this film Warner Bros. do think that in this film Ryan Reynold's 'Green Lantern' and Henry Cavill's ( in case you don't know who this actor is then you've probably seen him in 'The Tudors' TV series as '1st Duke of  Suffolk') new Superman will feature. The new reinvented Batman will also possibly feature. This will also have new actors/actresses in as 'Wonderwomen' and 'Flash'. This sounds like it could be interesting as 'Wonderwomen' could be another comic book heroine that gets the Nolan treatment which could be good as it seems anything that he recently puts his hand to turns to gold if 'Batman' and 'Inception' are anything to go by.

'Flash' however I don't know how you can bring his character into the 21st century after this 1980 monnstrosity:

These characters will apparently feature but I hope that they are more plausable than this. And no doubtedly if there good then no doubtedly they will get a outing out on their own.

Also another comic book character getting their day in the sunshine again I might add is 'Daredevil', now I hear you saying 'Why?...When the last one was so bad' at the top of your lungs, but I think your being too quick to judge whether this is just a punt too far and over a big massive waterfall like Niagra Falls for Warner Bros. or whether with the help of a great director like 'Christopher Nolan' or another director that's out there somewhere this will be a worthwhile punt from Warner Bros. Well I guess we'll just have to wait for 2013 to roll around.

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