
Thursday 21 April 2011

Love Like Poison film

The French have done it again, last year at the Cannes Film Festival the film 'Love Like Poison' was highly liked by the judges and on May 13 it will be heading to our shores.

This film tells the story of Anna, she is a Catholic school student who discovers when she comes home for the holidays that her father has left. And her mother has been seeking consolation in the company of the local priest. Anna then strikes up a friendship with a local boy Pierre and forms a bond with her grandad.

This title for the film was original riff to a Serg Gainsborough song which therefore tells you if you have read some of Gainsborough poems/songs you'll know that they aren't that happy but more sad and realistic. Therefore you will be able to tell from this that this film will show the kind of emotions that Anna will have to go through in the film-pain and euphoria-.

Here is a trailor for this film, see what you think but like I always say this on the down low, on the qt and very hush hush. So keep this under your hat.

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