
Thursday 7 April 2011

School Shooting In Rio De Janiro

Just thought you might be interested to know that there has been a School Shooting in Rio

A 24 year old man who told the schools officials that he was there to give a speech and entered the school at 8:00am (their time), then he started aiming at his victims heads. There have been conflicting reports as to whether the gunman was or was not an ex-pupil of the  Escola Municipal Tasso da Silveira school which is in the western Realengo area.

Soon after entering this school the man started aiming at his victims heads. Also it is said that after the attacker entered the school he was reportedly seen with ' two guns and a lot of ammunition'. He was later indentified as Wellington Menezes Oliveira later. It's also not been made clear whether he shot himself or the police who were called to the scene shot him. However an eyewitness claimes that he saw the gunman shoot himself in the head after he saw that he was completly surrounded.

This sounds like a plausable news story until you read further on that the same eyewitness claims that the attacker:  "...came into the class saying he was going to give a talk. He went to an eighth grade class, on the [ground floor], and without saying anything took out a pistol from his bag and started firing".

In my opinion if this guy had a bag with him you would start to think 'if he's coming to give a speech why has he got an odd shaped bag with him?'. I'm only guessing that this bag was oddly shaped as it's reported that the guns that he had were two revolvers. Also at the end of this news story the BBC have rather suspiciously in my mind tacked on to the end of it that the Brazilian Police later found a suicide note from Wellington saying that after he had shot up the school he intended to kill himself.

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