
Saturday 23 April 2011

Tracker film starring Ray a South African

The other day I was listening to Talk Sport Radio when I was in the car with the parents and Ray Winstone was on the Radio talking about his new film. I didn't realise till today when I was looking on Empire Magazine's website at the upcoming movie Posters page that Ray Winstone's new film is 'Tracker'. Here he plays a South African with- by my standards an alright South African accent-.

I thought when Ray was on the Radio talking about this that he was going to have a really bad accent as he has such a thick cockney accent so my first thought was that it was bad casting on the film makers part to cast a cockney as a South African, at least if your going to make a film about a man who was in the Boer War cast a South African to do the job.

Anyhew...the story is that it is 1903 who is a guerilla survivor of the South African  Boer War, and he ends up in the hands of colonel New Zealand and is promised a big bouty to capture a Maouri seafarer Karemea who has been accused of killing a British soldier.

As you can imagine this becomes a not so easy task as Kareama keeps escaping and being recapture and both strike up a bond where they learn they have more in common than they first thought. This film is out on April 29th.

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