
Tuesday 5 April 2011

Really good Morgan Freeman Films

I was watching the laughable 'Wanted' film with Morgan Freeman, James McAvoy and Angelina Jolie in it the other night on ITV1 and I was thinking that I couldn't believe that Morgan Freeman would be in this film where his character is good but the rats blowing up after being made into bombs scene at the end of the film wasn't so good as I could imagine that there were thousands of animal rights protesters sending some kind of mail to the actors and actresses because of this.

On the other hand, it got me thinking about a really good film that I saw a couple of years ago with Morgan Freeman in it which was of course 'Kiss the Girls' and then it got me thinking about 'Along Came A Spider' and how good that film was. But I have just found out what this first mentioned film was called as I'd seen it so long ago all I could remeber about this film was the scene at the end when Morgan Freeman shoots at Casanova (the killer) through a carton of milk, which I still think is pretty impressive.

'Along Came A Spider' was easier for me to remeber as I'd seen it a few nights ago on the TV.

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