
Monday 11 April 2011

Under the Radar Movie News

I've just been over to and I have seen a 'teaser trailor' for the film with Daniel Radcliffe that is coming out later this year. It looks good to me and like something that I would go and watch which is strange as I will admit that I scare very easily and over the past couple of years chosen not to see any scary film in case it scares me. I am not ashamed to admit this, but I think seeing the film 'Haloween H20' at a friends house when I was six years old might have something to do with how badly I don't like scary films.

So here is the 'teaser trailor', see what you think. I have also heard who the nemis for the new Superman. It will be General Zod and this will be played by Michael Shannon. I've recently seen him in an episode of Law and Order Special Victims Unit and he was absolutly great in that, but he's also been in Revolutionary Road. That will at least stop the rumours flying about about who will play Superman's arch enemy.

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