
Saturday 23 April 2011

TT3D:Closer to The Edge

TT3D: Closer To The Edge is a movie about the famous Isle Of Man motorbike race. This looks awesome to me, but I do like a loto of 'petrol-head' films. The racer that the film is about you will recorgnise from the most recent series of 'Jimmy Builds a Barge', I think that's what the show was called as it had this motorbike racer in it trying to build a barge boad that he could live on making things as he said on one occasion in one of the episodes of the show that he just is fascinated by how things work.

I saw this trailer before I uploaded it from YouTube and I have to say I really liked how they had managed to get the shots they got as they look fantastic close up but the accidents that happend on the racetrack look really bad, they must be real adrenaline junkies.

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